Citrus variegated chlorosis - Xylella fastidiosa

EEffective: August 18, 2010 - December 31, 2011
Resources: Pest Tracker
Screening Aids:
Taxonomic Position: Xanthomonadales : Xanthomonadaceae
Pest Type: Bacteria
No manual – See Host Matrix
These Approved Methods are appropriate for:
Pest is vectored by:
Approved Method(s):
Key Diagnostics

Mistaken Identities:
In Progress / Literature-based Diagnostics:
  1. Beretta, M.J.G., Barthe, G.A., Ceccardi, T.L., Lee, R.F., and Derrick, K.S. 1997. A survey for strains of Xyllella fastidiosa in citrus affected by citrus variegated chlorosis and citrus blight in Brazil. Plant Dis. 81: 1196-1198.
  2. Bextine, B., and Child, B. 2007. Xylella fastidiosa genotype differentiation by SYBRR green-based QRT-PCR. FEMS Microbiological Letter 276: 48-54.
  3. Bextine, B., Blua, M., Harshman, D., and Miller, T.A. 2005. A SYBR green-based real-time polymerase chain reaction protocol and novel DNA extraction technique to detect Xylella fastidiosa in Homalodisca coagulata. Journal of Economic Entomology 98(3): 667-672.
  4. Chang, C.J., Garnier, M., Zreik, L., Rossetti, V., and Bove, J.M. 1993. Culture and serological detection of xylem-limited bacterium causing citrus variegated chlorosis and its identification as a strain of Xylella fastidiosa. Current Microbiology 27: 137-142.
  5. Ciapina, L.P., Carareto Alves, L.M., and Lemos, E.G.M. 2004. A nested-PCR assay for detection of Xylella fastidiosa in citrus plants and sharpshooter leafhoppers. J. Appl. Microbiol. 96: 546-551.
  6. Fatmi, M., Damsteegt, V.D., and Schaad, N.W. 2005. A combined agar-absorption and BIO-PCR assay for rapid, sensitive detection of Xylella fastidiosa in grape and citrus. Plant Pathology 54: 1-7.
  7. Firrao, G., and Bazzi, G. 1994. Specific identification of Xyllella fastidiosa using the polymerase chain reaction. Phytopathol. Meditterr. 33: 90-92.
  8. Hartung, J.S., Beretta, M.J.G., Brlansky, R., Spisso, J., and Lee, R.F. 1994. Citrus variegated chlorosis bacterium: axenic culture, pathogenicity, and serological relationships with other strains of Xylella fastidiosa. Phytopathology 84: 591-597.
  9. Li., W.-B., Pria Jr., W.D., Lacava, P.M.,Qin, X., and Hartung, J.S. 2003. Presence of Xylella fastidiosa in sweet orange fruit and seeds and its transmission to seedlings. Phytopathology 93: 953-958.
  10. Lin, H., Civerolo, E.L., Hu, R., Barros, S., Francis, M., and Andrew Walker, M. 2005. Mulitlocus simple sequence repeat markers differentiating strains and evaluating genetic diversity of Xylella fastidiosa. Applied and Environmental Microbiology 71(8): 4888-4892.
  11. Lopes, S.A., and Torres, S.C.Z. 2006. An effective and low-cost culture medium for isolation and growth of Xylella fastidiosa from citrus and coffee plants. Current Microbiology 53: 467-469.
  12. Minsavage, G.V., Thompson, C.M., Hopkins, D.L., Leite, R.M.V.B.C, and Stall, R.E. 1994. Development of a polymerase chain reaction protocol for detection of Xylella fastidiosa in plant tissue. Phytopathology 84: 456-461.
  13. Pooler, M.R., and Hartung, J.S. 1995. Specific PCR detection and identification of Xylella fastidiosa strains causing citrus variegated chlorosis. Current Microbiology 31: 377-381.
  14. Wickert, E., Machado, M.A., and Lemos, E.G.M. 2007. Evaluation of the genetic diversity of Xylella fastidiosa strains from citrus and coffee hosts by single-nucleotide polymorphism markers. Phytopathology 97: 1543-1549.